About Us

We believe that video based training products are the next generation of e-learning , now its been around 3 years where video training products have made their way into the e-learning area, there are several reasons which video training solutions have priority over similar solutions but in different formats, but what makes them successful is that it includes all the successful points of other products such as text, audio and images, let's take a look at thee-learning generation:

 We first started with only text whereas we were forced to zoom at the monitor for hours or to print thousands of pages, some not worth the time and money.
 We came up with a combination of text and images where the tutorials where a mixture of thousands of pages with images, quite a improvement but yet more to do .
 Podcasts they became more famous for music, news, and a lot more even learning foreign languages, but we users needed more, they needed hear, watch and finally comprehend what's being trained.
 Finally video made its way on to the internet, all the limitations to its presence were removed, now its been around 3 years we are taking advantage of this revolution , we call it the revolution of e-learning

Based on all we just reviewed we found video tutorials the best way to introduce our work we intend to provide simple as well as interactive training products which are best suited for individuals whom seek practical IT skills for the competitive world.

We also hope you are satisfied with out products and we would be glad to hear your suggestions and opinions, anything which would help us to stay on the right track.